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Ian's Insights


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In this area I will delve into various topics, some hot, some not.  Mostly, I'll put down what God's put on my heart.  I would love it if this became an area where topics can be debated, not heatedly or with ill intent, but with the intent to sharpen each other.  My views may not be consistent with your views, but I ask that rather than dismiss what I have to say, attempt to find something in it that you can use in your daily life.  Please feel free to respond to anything that I write.  If you allow it, I may post your letter to spark conversation.  And with no further ado...

insight archive
Current Installment:  #3, Parking Lot Story 2/20/02

    Some time ago I was sitting in a library parking lot during my lunch break reading.  Now, normally I would have been inside of the library, but I had forgotten that this particular day was a government holiday, hence no library.  As I sat in this empty parking lot, a ways away from the door, I noted that several cars pulled up, looked out, and then pulled away.  Apparently I wasn't the only one who had forgotten about this particular holiday.  A short time later, I noticed a man in a trench coat walking briskly towards the library.  Now I was parked about as far away from the library as one could get, and this man walked right by my car.  I was pretty sure he was headed for the library, but didn't say anything.  I did, however, watch his journey across the parking lot.  He came to the door and tried it a couple of times...then he stood back, as if reading the sign.  After reading the sign, he once again tried the door, and then stood back, glaring at the door as if this would bring a helpful librarian running down to open up for him.  Having come to the conclusion that this door wasn't going to be opening, he wandered around to the other entrance and went through the same procedure there, again to no success.  After all that, he turned and walked all the way back through the parking lot, and once again, past my car, where I still sat, having watched this whole ordeal.
    This reminded me of the Christian Walk.  On our walk, we sometimes think we have a destination in mind.  A door seems open and we head for it.  Oftentimes, we're informed by God that He doesn't want us to go that direction, or that it's for someone else.  This would have been my position in the above story, had I actually talked to the guy.  I knew that the library was closed, and I easily could have said so the first time he walked past my car.  It would have saved him about 10 minutes of his time, and kept him from quite the frustration level that he reached upon coming to the door and having it locked.  If we ask God's advice, and listen for His word, He will let us know if that's the direction he wants us to go.  If it isn't His will, listening to His word will save us from a journey through what could lead to any number of pitfalls.  It is important for all Christians to be in constant communication with The Heavenly Father, as he definately knows what's best for us in any circumstance.  God isn't like the role that I played in the story though, he won't hold back advice, and His advice is always perfect!!
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