Current News
Ian up to?
Cd, reading, word of the day
Ian in a Nutshell
This is where we learn a little about the person that is, Ian
Western. Where has he been? What does he do? Could he
navigate his way out of Amsterdam on a dark and stormy night?
When confronted with a
small tortoise, would he run?
Ian's Insights
This is where Ian discusses serious stuff. The opinions of Ian
not always be "right" in your mind, but Ian is always up for discussion
dialogue. Please feel free to voice yourself (I call no
This is pretty self explanatory. Obviously these are pictures of
such as: The moons of jupiter, a small ant colony from Belize, or
spotted hare (rare in these parts).
General Silliness
Not to be confused with other forms of silliness.
Helpful Links
I would hope they would be helpful anyways
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