The Aardvark Express
Current News Archive

1/16/02, 1:21am:  I just ate a clove of garlic...raw.

1/19/02, 2:59am:  It's 3 am and I'm headed to bed.  Why am I up so late?  I know not.

1/21/02, 9:37pm:  Enjoyed my mother's meat loaf for dinner tonight.  And Tapioca pudding for dessert.  Fantastic.

1/24/02, 12:42pm:  No work today, yippee (uh..did I just say yippee out loud...whoops)

02/03/02, 12:40am:  Aquire the Fire will be Feb 8th and 9th at Target Center.  Anyone from the UW Marshfield Intervarsity, click here for more info!(Editor note:  the extra info is no longer needed, which is why there is no link....sorry)

02/11/02, 8:48pm:  Acquire the Fire was an awesome weekend!!!  God moved in several lives.  It was awesome to see His hand touch so many!!

02/17/02, 10:59pm:  A successful first game for the Bethel Men's lacrosse team.  Final tally:  Bethel 13, Moorhead 4.

3/07/02, 7:49 pm:  I must apologize to all my loyal fans for the extreme delay in an update of any sort to this here site.  I will try not to let it happen again.  Furthermore, Fishsticks.

3:10/02, 12:03pm: It's official, girl scout cookies are good.

3/26/02, 7:02 pm:  On my way for a haircut in less than an hour.

4/03/02, 11:59am:  sick, sick, sick.

5/02/02, 9:29pm:  (singing) I wish I were an Oscar Meyer weiner, an Oscar Meyer weiner I would be!  For if I were an Oscar Meyer weiner, everyone would fall in love with me!! (perhaps I should eat less sugar)

09/12/02, 7:53pm:  I have returned from my mountain voyages, and swimming with large and small octopi.  It was great.  So anyways, that never happened.  Real current news:  Job interview, friday, 1:30pm...can't wait!

02/15/03, 5:04pm:  So sorry for the lack of updates.  Much going on in my life.  One such "thing" is my girlfriend Lana.  Such a blessing she is :).  To see pictures of us together, go to the Ian and Lana section of pictures, or just click Here.

12/20/04:  Finally, an update to the website!!  It's been well over a year, and boy don't I feel foolish.  Much has occurred, resulting in the lack of an update. I am now married (to Lana) and have three rabbits.  I had originally planned a link that included pictures of the rabbits, our wedding and our Honeymoon, but they will be delayed a short time due to an unfortunate incident involving my scanner (and frustration).  If it's just pictures of any sort you're looking for, go here to get your fill.  The others will be following in the next few days (hopefully!).  Please feel free to sign the guestbook (at the bottom of the page).  Lana and I would love to hear from you!!

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