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Installment: #2, The Car wash, 01/10/02
My car was absolutely filthy yesterday. It's
been that way for a few weeks now. It's interesting how your car
(and if you don't own a vehicle, think of someone else's) becomes progressively
dirtier, but you don't really realize it. And then you look at it
one day and think, "well, how did that happen?" That was the feeling
I had a couple of days ago and was determined to get it washed. So,
because of the warm weather, today was the day. After washing my
car it looked brand new again! Now I know that it's not brand new.
It still has some of the "battle wounds" that it has accumulated.
However, washed clean it feels new.
I think that this is how it is with our hearts sometimes.
If we don't spend time in prayer every day confessing and "washing our
hearts clean", our hearts will slowly harden and become filthy. And
then one day, we'll not know what happened, but realize the problem.
When you're talking about a car, it's not a big deal if it goes dirty for
a couple of weeks. Sure, some kids might scrawl "wash me" with their
fingers on your windows, but there's no harm there. If we let our
hearts go for a few weeks, it's much more serious. Our hearts are
not our own. They belong to the Father above. We must care
for them like a prized possession. Let's go back to the car example.
If your father asked you to look after some amazing car, you wouldn't let
it get dirty and risk it rusting at all. No...you would wash it,
wax it, clean it, and do everything in your power to return it to him in
a similar condition to how he gave it to you. We must do the same
with our hearts. We must guard our hearts from evil and daily go
to the Father for help on "cleaning our hearts" and making us pure.
If you don't know the Father in Heaven, but would
like to discuss Him further, I'm always available. He knows you and
wants you to know Him more fully.
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